Thursday 28 May 2015

Summary Chapter 11 : Managing knowledge

Summary Chapter 11 : Managing knowledge
This chapter are related on what is the role of knowledge management and knowledge management programs in business. Actually, Knowledge management is a set of processes to create, store, transfer, and apply knowledge in the organization. Much of a firm’s value depends on its ability to create and manage knowledge. Knowledge management promotes organizational learning by increasing the ability of the organization to learn from its environment and to incorporate knowledge into its business processes. There are three major types of knowledge management systems: enterprise-wide knowledge management systems, knowledge work systems, and intelligent techniques.
Enterprise-wide knowledge management systems are firm wide efforts to collect, store, distribute, and apply digital content and knowledge. Enterprise content management systems provide databases and tools for organizing and storing structured documents and tools for organizing and storing semi structured knowledge, such as e-mail or rich media. Knowledge network systems provide directories and tools for locating firm employees with special expertise who are important sources of tacit knowledge. Often these systems include group collaboration tools (including wikis and social bookmarking), portals to simplify information access, search tools, and tools for classifying information based on a taxonomy that is appropriate for the organization. Enterprise-wide knowledge management systems can  considerable value if they are well designed and enable employees to locate, share, and use knowledge more efficiently.
types of systems are used for enterprise-wide knowledge management and how do they
provide value for businesses. Enterprise-wide knowledge management systems are firmwide efforts to collect, store, distribute, and apply digital content and knowledge. Enterprise content management systems provide databases and tools for organizing and storing structured documents and tools for organizing and storing semi structured knowledge, such as e-mail or rich media. Knowledge network systems provide directories and tools for locating firm employees with special expertise who are important sources of tacit knowledge. Often these systems include group collaboration tools (including wikis and social bookmarking), portals to simplify information access, search tools, and tools for classifying information based on a taxonomy that is appropriate for the organization. Enterprise-wide knowledge management systems can provide considerable value if they are well designed and enable employees to locate, share, and use knowledge more efficiently

Knowledge work systems (KWS) support the creation of new knowledge and its integration into the organization. KWS require easy access to an external knowledge base; powerful computer hardware that can support software with intensive graphics, analysis, document management, and communications capabilities; and a user-friendly interface. Computer-aided design (CAD) systems, augmented reality applications, and virtual reality systems, which create interactive simulations that behave like the real world, require graphics and powerful modelling  capabilities. KWS for financial professionals provide access to external databases and the ability to analyse massive amounts of financial data very quickly.

Saturday 23 May 2015

Review Chapter 8: Securing Information System

Review Chapter 8: Securing Information System
Information systems vulnerable to damage, error, and abuse because Digital data are vulnerable to destruction, misuse, error, fraud, and hardware or software failures. The Internet is intended to be an open system and makes internal corporate systems more vulnerable to actions from outsiders. Hackers can unleash denial-of-service (DoS) attacks or penetrate corporate networks, causing serious system disruptions. Wi-Fi networks can easily be penetrated by intruders using sniffer programs to obtain an address to access the resources of the network. Computer viruses and worms can restrict systems and Web sites. The dispersed nature of cloud computing makes it difficult to track unauthorized activity or to apply controls from afar. Software presents problems because software bugs may be impossible to eliminate and because software vulnerabilities can be exploited by hackers and malicious software. End users often introduce errors.

Lack of sound security and control can cause firms relying on computer systems for their core business functions to lose sales and productivity. Information assets, such as confidential employee records, trade secrets, or business plans, lose much of their value if they are revealed to outsiders or if they expose the firm to legal liability. New laws, such as HIPAA, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, require companies to practice stringent electronic records management and adhere to strict standards for security, privacy, and control. Legal actions requiring electronic evidence and computer forensics also require firms to pay more attention to security and electronic records management.

Firms need to establish a good set of both general and application controls for their information systems. A risk assessment evaluates information assets, identifies control points and control weaknesses, and determines the most cost-effective set of controls. Firms must also develop a coherent corporate security policy and plans for continuing business operations in the event of disaster or disruption. The security policy includes policies for acceptable use and identity management. Comprehensive and systematic MIS auditing helps organizations determine the effectiveness of security and controls for their information systems.

Firewalls prevent unauthorized users from accessing a private network when it is linked to the Internet. Intrusion detection systems monitor private networks from suspicious network traffic and attempts to access corporate systems. Passwords, tokens, smart cards, and biometric authentication are used to authenticate system users. Antivirus software checks computer systems for infections by viruses and worms and often eliminates the malicious software, while antispyware software combats intrusive and harmful spyware programs. Encryption, the coding and scrambling of messages, is a widely used technology for securing electronic transmissions over unprotected networks. Digital certificates combined with public key encryption provide further protection of electronic transactions by authenticating a user’s identity. Companies can use fault-tolerant computer systems or create high-availability computing environments to make sure that their information systems are always available. Use of software metrics and rigorous software testing help improve software quality and reliability.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Riview chapter 5 : IT Infrastructure and Emerging Technologies

In Chapter, we defined information technology (IT) infrastructure as the shared technology possessions that deliver the platform for the firm’s specific information system applications. IT infrastructure  includes outlay in hardware, software, and services such as consulting education, and training. IT infrastructure consists of a set of physical devices and software applications that are required to operate the entire enterprise. But IT infrastructure is also a set of firm wide services budgeted by management and comprising both human and technical capabilities. There are 5 stages in IT infrastructure evolution which is starting from the beginning of widespread commercial use of CPU computers, personal computer, computers that provide the client computers, enterprise-wide computing, and lastly now is the Cloud and Mobile Computing Era.
There are seven main modules that must be matched to provide the firm with a coherent IT infrastructure. There are computer hardware stages, operating system stages, enterprise software applications, networking telecommunications, consultants and system integrations, data managements and storage, and internet platforms.
Contemporary hardware platform trends starting by the grid computing, involves connecting geographically remote computers into a single network is  to create a virtual processer by combining the computational power of all computers on the grid. Second is virtualization, Virtualization is the process of presenting a set of computing resources (such as computing power or data storage) so that they can all be accessed in ways that are not restricted by physical configuration or geographic location. Then, we introduced cloud computing, in which firms and individuals obtain computer processing, storage, software, and other services as a pool of virtualized resources over a network, primarily the Internet. By curbing hardware proliferation and power consumption, virtualization has become one of the principal machineries for promoting green computing. With great are schedules encompassing many thousands of schmoosed policies, computer systems have changed so complex today that some experts believe they may not be controllable in the upcoming. One style to allocating with this tricky is to employ autonomic computing. four main themes in contemporary software platform progression: Linux and open source software, Java and Ajax, Web services and service-oriented architecture Software outsourcing and cloud services.
Creating and managing a coherent IT infrastructure raises multiple challenges for example when trade with stand and technology change (including cloud and mobile  computing), management and governance, and making intelligent structure funds.

Friday 10 April 2015



Sungguh tidak dapat diduga Universitas Jabal Ghafur (Unigha) Pidie akhirnya telah berjaya melahirkan seorang mahasiswa yang berkreativiti dan berinovasi selaras dengan hasrat pendidikan negara mahu melahirkan mahasiswa yang berkredibiliti, kreatif dan berinovasi. Muhammad Zulfikar nama diberi merupakan anak kelahiran sepasang suami isteri Hasbi Hamzah dan Nurmiza pada 9 september 1992 merupakan mahasiswa yang dimaksudkan. Beliau kini sedang menyambung pengajian di bangku kuliah semester enam  di Universitas Unigha. Muhammad zulfikar adalah salah seorang pelajar yang dapat meraih medal emas pada pertandingan Inovasi Robot International Aceh di Kampus Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia (UUI) Banda Aceh pada 28-29 Mac. Pertandingan ini bukan sahaja diwakili oleh beliau tetapi juga diikuti penyertaan oleh mahasiswa dari negara lain seperti Malaysia, Korea Selatan, Filipina, Kanada dan Amerika Syarikat. Ternyata Muhammad Zulfikar berjaya menunjukkan kebolehannya yang kreatif dengan memperagakan kereta remote menggunakan mesin pengontrol dari jaringan internet. Hal ini sungguh luar biasa sekali untuk mencipta kawalan jauh menggunakan internet. Walau berada di jarak jauh dan berbeza tempat sekalipun kereta itu dapat dikawal dengan hanya memasukkan alamat kereta tersebut lalu dapat digerakkan menggunakan internet, smartphones atau laptop. Beliau menyatakan bahawa kos biaya yang diperlukan adalah tidak terlalu besar hanya sebanyak 2.500.000 sahaja. Menurut beliau, dia tidak pernah menyangka akan memenangi  pertandingan ini. Semua ini adalah hasil ideanya semasa membuat skripsi bertajuk “ Pengontrol Mobil Berbasis Internet” dua bulan lepas telah  mendapat nilai tertinggi dan mendapat respon positif oleh para juri. Setelah itu, Dosennya Ridwan telah menawarkan beliau untuk mengikuti pertandingan Inovasi Robot itu. Siapa sangka tuah menyebelahi beliau dengan meraih medal emas yang sangat membanggakan dirinya dan juga Universitas Jabal Ghafur. Disebabkan kejayaan beliau ini, beliau bukan sahaja mendapat medal emas tetapi beliau juga telah mendapat penghargaan daripada Rektor Unigha Sigli , Drs Sulaiman berupa sijil penghargaan serta penghargaan daripada Asia Invention Association (AIA). Inilah mahasiswa yang perlu dicontohi dan perlu dijadikan role model , mahasiswa sepatutnya bukan sahaja mempelajari teori yang ada pada buku tetapi teori yang dipelajari perlu diamati sendiri, iaitu dengan mengaplikasikan teori dalam kehidupan seharian. Selaras dengan kemajuan sains dan teknologi dewasa ini semuanya dapat membantu lagi  meningkatkan daya pemikiran mahasiswa yang kreatif dan berinovasi. 

Sunday 8 March 2015


In this chapter we will know how information systems and organizations are related each other. The interaction between information technology and organizations is complex and is influenced by many mediating factors, including the organization’s structure, business processes, politics, culture, surrounding environment, and management decisions.

Information systems and the organizations in which they are used cooperate with and influence each other. The introduction of a new information system will affect organizational structure, goals, work design, values, competition between interest groups, decision making, and day-to-day behaviour. At the same time, information systems must be designed to serve the needs of important organizational groups and will be shaped by the organization’s structure, business processes, goals, culture, politics, and management. Information technology can reduce transaction and agency costs, and such changes have been accentuated in organizations using the Internet. New systems disrupt established patterns of work and power relationships, so there is often considerable resistance to them when they are introduced.

Over the last decade, information systems have fundamentally altered the economics of organizations and greatly increased the possibilities for organizing work Information systems have become integral, online, interactive tools deeply involved in the minute-to-minute operations and decision making of large organizations. The Internet increases the accessibility, storage, and distribution of information and knowledge for organizations. In essence, the Internet is capable of dramatically lowering the transaction and agency costs facing most organization . that’s mean information system have are connection to organization success.

Other than that, we always think why some company more success than other company. This is can be different by its competitive advantage. Arguably, the most widely used model for understanding competitive advantage is Michael Porter’s competitive forces Model. This model provides a general view on the firm , its competitors, and the firms environment.

In Porter’s competitive forces model, the strategic position of the firm, and its strategies, are determined by competition with its traditional direct competitors, but they are also greatly affected by new market entrants, substitute products and services, suppliers, and customers. Information systems help companies compete by maintaining low costs, differentiating products or services, focusing on market niche, strengthening ties with customers and suppliers, and increasing barriers to market entry with high levels of operational excellence.
Another model is the value chain model highlights specific activities in the business where competitive strategies and information systems will have the greatest impact. The model views the firm as a series of primary and support activities that add value to a firm’s products or services. Primary activities are directly related to production and distribution, whereas support activities make the delivery of primary activities possible.A firm’s value chain can be linked to the value chains of its suppliers, distributors, and customers. A value web consists of information systems that enhance attractiveness at the industry level by promoting the use of standards and industry-wide consortia, and by enabling businesses to work more efficiently with their value partners.

As of firms involve of several business units, information systems achieve additional efficiencies or enhance services by binding together the operations of disparate business units. Information systems help businesses leverage their basic competencies by promoting the sharing of knowledge through business units. Information systems simplify business models based on large networks of users or subscribers that take advantage of network economics. A virtual company strategy uses networks to link to other firms so that a company can use the competences of other companies to build, market, and distribute products and services. In business ecosystems, multiple industries work together to deliver value to the customer. Information systems upkeep a dense network of interactions among the participating firms.

Tuesday 24 February 2015



Nowadays, Information system is more important especially in global business. Organization are trying to become more competitive and efficient by digital that enable their core business process and evolving into digital firms. What makes management information system the most exciting topic in business is the continual change in technology. As we can see, day after day there are new technology will move toward. Management use of the technology and the bearing on business success. New business and industries perform, old ones decline, and successful firms are those who learn how to use the new technologies.

In the technology range there are three unified changes the first was the emerging mobile digital platform, second the growth of online software as a service and now is the growth in “cloud computing” where further and more business software runs over the internet. IPhones, iPads, BlackBerrys, and Web-surfing netbooks are not just gadgets or entertainment outlets. They represent new emerging computing platforms based on an array of new hardware and software technologies. Major business applications are now delivered online as an internet service rather than as boxed software or custom system. This is the one changes in technology growth in software as a service.  Manager in business regularly use technologies to matched, measured his business and also connecting employees functioning on teams and project.

An information system can be defined technically as a set of interrelated components that collect, process, store , and allocate information to support decision making and control in an Organization.Information system contain information about significant people, places and things within the organization or in the environment surrounding it. In many industries, survival
and the ability to achieve strategic business goals are difficult without extensive use of information technology. Businesses today use information systems to achieve six major objectives operational fineness ; operational excellence new products, services, and business models ; customer or supplier intimacy ; improved decision making ; competitive advantage. As we can see that from a business perspective, and information system is an main instrument for creating value to the firm. Information system enable the firm to increase its revenue or decrease its cost by providing information that helps managers make well decisions or that improves the business process.

From a technical perspective, an information system collects, stores, and disseminates information from an organization’s environment and internal operations to support organizational functions and decision making, communication, coordination, control, analysis, and visualization. Information through three basic activities : input, processing, and output. From a business perspective, an information system provides a solution to a problem or challenge facing a firm and represents a combination of management, organization, and technology elements.
The management dimension of information systems involves issues such as leadership, strategy, and management behavior. The technology dimension consists of computer hardware, software, data management technology, and networking telecommunications technology (together with the Internet).The organization dimension of information systems involves issues such as the organization’s hierarchy, functional specialties, business processes, culture, and political interest groups.
The study of information system deals with issues and insights contributed from technical and behavioural diciplines. The disciplines that contribute to the technical approach fixing on the design, execution management , and business impact of system are psychology, sociology and economics. A sociotechnical outlook of systems considers both technical and social structures of systems and solutions.
The study of management information systems (MIS) are to focus on the use of computer-based information systems in business firms and government agencies. MIS combines the work of computer science, management science, and operations exploration with a practical orientation toward evolving system solutions to real-world problems and managing information technology resources. It is also concerned with behavioural issues surrounding the development, use, and impact of information systems, which are typically discussed in the fields of sociology, economics, and psychology.
In order to obtain meaningful value from information systems, organizations must support their technology investments with appropriate complementary investments in organizations and management. These complementary assets include new business models and business processes, supportive organizational culture and management behavior, appropriate technology standards,regulations, and laws. New information technology investments are unlikely to produce high returns unless businesses make the appropriate managerial and organizational changes to support the technology.